Sunday, July 21, 2024

12 High CBD Cannabis Strains that Will Help You Get Over Anxiety

Cannabis is a good option for some people with tension. Cannabis is not created equally. One strain can be a great way to relieve tension or make it worse.

The key is to find a strain which has a high CBD/THC ratio.

Cannabidiol is the most important dynamic combination in cannabis. They are both comparable in structure, but there’s a huge distinction.

THC is psychoactive, but CBD is not. THC causes the “high” in cannabis.

While CBD strains cannot be used as a treatment to tension, there are some side effects that can be achieved by using high-CBD ones. This is especially true when they are combined with other instruments.

Leafly’s Strain Pioneer was searched and we found 12 CBD-prevalent varieties that are not pleasant at the moment.


One way to remedy this is to use a 14-percent CBD strain. It produces almost no psychoactive effect.

It has a lemony pine aroma. It is popular because of its ability to smoothen the skin without the harmful effects of high THC strains.


This CBD-rich strain has 14% more users who like to ease tension and anxiety without getting high.

It does not contain any THC. According to Leafly surveys the two most popular words used in describing its possessions were “loose” (or “glad”)

3. Lifter

The lifter can be considered a more recent part of the cannabis business. It averages between 16% CBD and almost no THC.

Its smell is “astounding cheese with a trace gasoline” (oddflex however OK). Its super loosening effects won’t hinder your concentration nor capacity.

4. Charlotte’s Web

This is remarkable when compared with other high-CBD strains. It contains 13% CBD but almost no THC.

It’s used in a few well being and health products to aid with tension, pain, and misery with no psychoactive side effects.

5. Cherry Wine

Cherry Wine is your best choice for those who like the scent of wine, cheddar and other wines.

It contains less than 1% of THC and hovers at 17% CBD. Client audits have shown that it can relax your cerebral and muscles, but not cause any mind-altering effects.

6. Ringo’s Present

This CBD strain has an average CBD-to THC ratio of 13.1, but the strains are quite high.

Ringo’s Gift, which is a cross of two high-CBD strains ACDC (and Harle-Tsu), is what we call Ringo’s Gift.

This strain has been reported to have a dramatic effect on anxiety and tension. Additional rest is another benefit clients love.

7. Harle-Tsu

This honor-winning variety has a midpoint of 13% CBD, but often tests much higher.

It was named the “Best CBD Bloom” at the 2014 Emerald Cup. It was found to contain 0.86% THC and 21.05% CBD.

This makes it a great choice for individuals who are looking to decrease their unhappiness, lift their disposition, and enhance their core interest.

8. Sour Tsunami

This was a popular strain with high CBD and continues to be a fan favorite.

It has a CBD-THC ratio of 13 to 1, or lower. Customers report feeling content and happy without any heavy feeling.

9. Elektra

Elektra offers a low CBD content of just 16% and under 1% THC. According to client audits, Elektra can deliver up to 20% CBD.

Its strong smoke and pleasant scent are mixed audits. However, many people love it for the loosening effect.

10. Sour Space Candy

This high CBD strain has unpleasant smells. But, those who use the product to relieve tension and discouragement are very supportive.

Acrid Space Candy’s CBD content is 17% and THC is just a follow.

11. Suzy Q

Suzy Q’s CBD levels aren’t as high as those of other strains. It has around 11% CBD but almost no THC.

It is a good choice to assist with relaxing a restless mind and tension muscles without getting high or taking you out.

12. Critical Mass

This strain has higher levels of THC (than the other ones we have reviewed), making it an attractive choice for anyone who is looking for a subtle buzz. It can contain as much as 4 to 7 % THC and as much to 10 % CBD.

According to audits of clients, people who aren’t well-versed in THC find that this strain doesn’t unwind and quietens them without causing a greenout.

Safety tips

No matter which high-CBD variety you use, the majority of strains still contain THC. In any event, it is hard to know what any THC level will mean for anyone so a little caution is always wise. This also offers tips.

Here are some tips to make your experience safer while trying another strain.

  • Select a strain containing the lowest levels of THC. Give it enough time to do its job before you start thinking about adding more.
  • For your lungs to be protected, you should consider alternatives such as CBD oils. You can get the same poisons and cancer-causing substances from cannabis smoke as you would from tobacco smoke.
  • To prevent smoking, don’t inhale too much or stop breathing.
  • For those who are actually experiencing any side effects, it is best to not drive for 6 hours or more after the use.
  • Avoid smoking cannabis while you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Recall that states also have their own laws regarding the legal use of CBD/THC. Look at the laws in your state for more details. Pay attention to other state laws before you start using cannabis. Additionally, you can purchase these strains through a trusted online store like SeedSupreme.

The bottom Line

It is possible to use CBD (cannabis oil) as a method to relieve tension. While it is not a well-researched treatment, some believe that it can facilitate some of the side effects.

Assuming that you have to check out high-CBD strains of cannabis, just make sure to take any tension medicine recommended by your healthcare provider.